Wiki Disney Les Fées

Dig Down Deeper est une chanson pop et rock de 2011 enregistrée par la chanteuse américaine Zendaya. La chanson a été écrite par Brenden Milburn et Valerie Vigoda pour la bande originale du courts métrage de 2011 Clochette et le tournoi des fées.


Chloe: You ready for today?
Rosetta: Ready as I can be! At least the water's nice and clear. It's not dirty or slimy.
Chloe: Okay, this is how you do it. Arms straight, bend your knees, and lean back.
Rosetta: Wow, this actually looks easy. I think I could...
Chloe: Point your angle! Bend your knees and lean to the right!

Zendaya: You can watch your garden grow
Chloe: Yeah, you got it!
Zendaya: And skim along the surface and take it slow

Chloe: Okay, when we get to the centre, grab the marble and carry it back!
Rosetta: Okay, I'll try!
Zendaya: Just let nature have its way
Let your little flowers bloom where they may
If you dig down deeper
Under the ground
You gotta dig down deeper, girl you can
If you're wanting to win
Then you better begin
Rosetta: Stop!
Zendaya: To dig deep down

Rosetta: Go!

Zendaya: You can keep things as they've always been
And you'll never leave the row (Rosélia: I got one!) you've been planting in
Take a chance and make the leap
And anything can happen when you dig down deep

So dig down deeper, girl you can
If you're wanting to win
Then you better begin
To get a little bit dirty and dig deep down

Dig down deep and break the streak
Dig down deep and break the streak (fairies cheering)
Dig down deep and break the streak
Chloe: Nice give and go, bro!
Rosetta: That was great!
Glimmer: Good game.
Rosetta: Thank you!
Rumble: Why don't you worry about your own game.

Zendaya: So you decide to make your stand
Step up and put the world to shame
There may be luck upon your hand
Though you didn't choose this game
Rosetta: Let's speed this along!
Chloe: You got it!
Zendaya: You don't wanna lose this game

So dig down deeper
Rumble: More pixie dust!
Zendaya: Under the ground
You gotta dig down deeper, girl you can
Lumina: No, no, no, no, no!
Iridessa: Get ready to fly!
Zendaya: If you're wanting to win
Then you better begin
To get a little bit dirty and dig deep down



Pixie Hollow Games - Dig Down Deeper (movie version)

The video
